J.M. (1871)


J. M. (Auth.)
*Mummers [Hobby Horse play, etc., in North Notts.]
*Notes & Queries (Series 4), 1871, Vol.VII, p.121

*Source states;

"Mummers- 'A party of mummers visited the towns & villages of North Notts during the past fortnight, and highly diverted the inhabitants by their dancing, singing of old songs, & the play of the Hobby Horse. The latter play was in existence in the days of the Plantagenets, & probably the song & tune which they sang, viz "When Joan's ale was new."' This paragraph from the Newark Advertizer of Wed. Jan 18. 1871, may be deserving of a place in your columns, as a proof of the continued existence of a very ancient custom."

Index Terms:

Locations: North Nottinghamshire, Notts.
Years: Perf. 1871
Subjects: Mummers; January; Dances; Songs; Play; Hobby Horse; "When Joan's Ale was New"
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00535;
T.F.Ordish Collection, Vol.III, p.150

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Jan 1994 by Peter Millington.