L.F.Milner (1958/59)


Miss L. F. Milner (Auth.)
Kirklington in the Past: A SMALL SLICE OF VILLAGE HISTORY [Plough Monday Play]
Nottinghamshire Countryside, 1958/1959, Vol.19, No.14, p.18-19

A description of several customs from Kirklington, Notts. These are; Kirklington Feast, Lane Letting, Blackberry Day, Plough Monday, and Christmas Beef. The words of the final song of the Plough Monday plough boys play are given.

Index Terms:

Locations: Kirklington, Notts. (SK6757)
Years: Publ. 1958/1959
Subjects: Village Feast; Lane Letting; Blackberry Day; Plough Monday; Christmas Beef; Song; Play; Text Fragment
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00088

Last Updated Sep 1987 by Peter Millington.