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Play from Ilmington, Warks. - 1913-1916
Christmas Play from Burghclere, Hants. : Version 2 - 1914

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Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: Play from Ilmington, Warks. - 1913-1916

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Vertical axis: Line Nos. for: Christmas Play from Burghclere, Hants. : Version 2 - 1914
Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: Play from Ilmington, Warks. - 1913-1916

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Line Play from Ilmington, Warks. - 1913-1916 Christmas Play from Burghclere, Hants. : Version 2 - 1914
1. in comes i old mother christmas welcome or welcome not in comes i old father christmas welcome in or welcome not
2. i hope old mother christmas will never be forgot i hope old father christmas will never be forgot
3. ladies and gentlemen all my son has lately come home  
4. in a silver buttoned waistcoat  
5. three legged flat  
6. spats yellow  
7. calls the cat a bitch  
8. as i went up short thin straight narrow crooked looking lie  
9. i saw a pig stye tied to an elder bush  
10. a house built of pancakes  
11. thatched with apple dumplings  
12. i knocked at the maiden and out came the door  
13. and asked if i could eat a crust and ale  
14. and drink a glass of bread and cheese  
15. i said no thank you and meant if you please  
16. a room a room brave gallants all pray give me room to ride  
17. i ve come to show activity this merry christmas tide that will show you some great activity
18. activity of youth activity of age activity of youth activity of age
19. i ll fight the fiercest battle ever fought upon the stage such acting as you have never seen or heard upon a stage
20. then where s the man that dares to bid me stand  
21. i ll cut him down with my courageous hand  
22. i ll cut him i ll hew him as small as flies  
23. and send him to satan to make mincepies  
24. mincepies hot mincepies cold  
25. i ll send him to satan before he s three days old  
26. come in captain thunderbolt  
27. who be you what be you come for  
28. i m the man that dares to bid thee stand  
29. thou saidst thou d cut me down with thy courageous hand  
30. thou saidst thou d cut me as small as flies  
31. and send me to satan to make mincepies  
32. mincepies hot mincepies cold  
33. thou dst send me to satan before i was three days old  
34. mind thy head and guard the blow  
35. mind thy nose and thy feet also  
36. doctor doctor do thy part  
37. king george is wounded through the heart  
38. through the heart and through the knee  
39. ten guineas to a doctor i ll freely gie  
40. come in jack viney  
41. my name is not jack viney  
42. it s mr viney a man of great fame jack viney a man of fame
43. can do more than you or any other man again do more than thee or any man again
44. oh what can you do  
45. i can cure a magpie of the tooth ache a magpie with the toothache
46. how should you do that how do you do that
47. lay his body on a stool and cut his head off  
48. what else can you do 1. well doctor and what canst thee do
2. well jack and what canst thee cure
49. i can cure the itch the stitch the palsy and the gout i can cure the itch the stich the palsy and the gout
50. pains within and pains without the pain within and the pain without
51. humph humph humph  
52. the mullygrups and all other vainglorious diseases  
53. i can cure this man if he is not quite dead  
54. bold fellow raise up thy head  
55. jack fetch my instruments  
56. i shan t  
57. what s that  
58. i shan t  
59. this it sir  
60. no  
61. well is this it  
62. no you fool  
63. ladies and gentlemen all  
64. see how this poor man has suffered  
65. in my box i carry a pill  
66. in my bottle i carry a smell  
67. in my hand there s no disdain  
68. rise up king george and fight again he will be well enough to fight again
69. in come i old beelzebub  
70. on my shoulders i carry a club  
71. in my hand a dripping pan and in my hand i hold a frying pan
72. do n t you think i m a jolly old man dont you think i am a jolly old man
73. in comes i which ain t been yet ah ah ah in comes i as aint been it
74. with my great head and little wit with my big head and little wit
75. with my head so big and my wit so small my head so big my wit so small
76. i ve brought my fiddle to please you all i brought my fiddle to please you all
77. green sleeves and yellow waists all blue sleeves and yellow lace
78. hop and jump about like peas  
79. and i was a fiddling  
80. a bottle of pea soup  
81. i had a shot come thro my elbow  
82. and spoilt all my scraping  
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