W.Millington (1993)


W. Millington (Auth.)
"Connections" [Notes on the origins of the Underwood, Notts., Guisers' play]
Haggs Farm Preservation Society Newsletter, Jun.1993, No.12, pp.11-12

Notes seeking to explain the source of the Guisers' plays from Underwood, Notts., and references by D.H.Lawrence. These notes give the Oxford Dictionary definition of "guiser", plus a summary of ideas on the origins of mummers' plays, evidently taken from A.Helm (1981).

Index Terms:

Locations: Underwood, Notts. (SK4750)
Years: Publ. 1993
Subjects: Guisers; Helm,A. (1981); Lawrence,D.H. (1907); Play
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00552

Last Updated Oct 1994 by Peter Millington.