P.Millington (1992)


Peter Millington (Auth.)
Obituary: Maurice Willmore Barley: 19th Aug. 1909 to 23rd June 1991
Folklore, 1992, Vol.103, No.i, pp.108-109

An appreciation of the life of Maurice Barley, author of "Plough Plays in the East Midlands" (1953). It concentrates particularly on his work in collecting the Plough Monday plays, but also mentions his other activities in archaeology and English architectural history.

Main variant


OBITUARY - MAURICE WILLMORE BARLEY - 19th Aug.1909 to 23rd June
Maurice Barley was a major force in promoting the local history
and archaeology
of the East Midlands, and made major impressions on folklore and
See full transcript...

Index Terms:

Locations: East Midlands
Years: Publ. 1992
Subjects: Plough Plays; Obituary; Plough Monday; Plays; Barley,M.W. (1953); Barley,M.W. Collection
People: Peter Thomas Millington (Auth.); Maurice Willmore Barley (Col.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00532

Last Updated Jun 1992 by Peter Millington.