Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, K.Clark)


Mrs. K. Clark (Auth.)
Memories of a Villager: Ranby Village 75 years ago [Christmas Morris Dancers & Horse's Head]
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection, Written 3rd Mar.1960, Ref.DD/121/1/51, 6pp.

Entry to an essay competition on old village life at Ranby, Notts. It includes the following (pp.3-4);

"In the winter months the hand bell ringers and morris dancers was busy practising for Christmas time. when they would visit the Farm houses. There was also a team of about 5 men doing a sketch called the horses head. the farmers invited their men and wifes to watch. The hand bell ringers and Morris dancers was always very popular."

Main variant


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Index Terms:

Locations: Ranby, Notts. (SK6580)
Years: Col. 1960; Perf. about 1885
Subjects: Essay; Hand Bell Ringers; Morris Dancers; Christmas; Play; Horses Head
People: Nottinghamshire Local History Council (Col.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00420

Last Updated Mar 1992 by Peter Millington.