Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, E.B.Scott)


Mrs. Ethel Beatrice Scott (Auth.)
Competition: Memories of a Villager [Plough Monday at Cropwell Bishop, Notts.]
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection, Written 29th Mar.1960, Ref.DD/121/1/22, 4pp.

Entry to an essay competition on old village life at Cropwell Bishop, Notts. The author was born about 1910. It states on page 3;

"On Plough Mondays villagers went round with faces blacked singing and acting their songs and we welcomed them to our homes for drinks etc."

Main variant


Thumbnail of scanned source page

Index Terms:

Locations: Cropwell Bishop, Notts. (SK6835)
Years: Col. 1960; Born about 1910
Subjects: Essay; Plough Monday; House Visiting; Songs
People: Nottinghamshire Local History Council (Col.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00408

Last Updated Mar 1992 by Peter Millington.