S.Prince (1984)


Steve Prince (Auth.)
Calverton Echo plus Preservation Society News, 1984, No.99, Cover+2pp.

A brief general description of Plough Monday plays, and specifically relating to the Calverton Real Ale and Plough Play Preservation Society (CRAPPPS). These have revived a Plough Bullocks play featuring Bold Tom, Beelzebub, Doctor, Recruiting Sergeant, Lady Bright and Gay, Farmer's Man, Ribboner, Sankey Benny, Threshing Blade and Dame Jane.

Literature cited includes; William Howitt (1840) "Rural Life of England"...

Main variant


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Index Terms:

Locations: *Calverton, Notts. (SK6149)
Years: *Rev. 1985
Subjects: *Plough Monday; Bold Tom; Beelzebub; Doctor; Recruiting Sergeant; Lady Bright and Gay; Farmer's Man; Ribboner; Sankey Benny; Threshing Blade; Dame Jane; CRAPPPS; Calverton Real Ale and Plough Play Preservation Society
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00326

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Jun 1985 by Peter Millington.