Nottingham Evening Post (1979)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
*Omoro Theatre Co. perform Mummers' Play
*Nottingham Evening Post, 26th Feb. 1979

Photo of five actors dressed in costumes made from paper strips. The caption reads;

"NO, IT wasn't that five people were afflicted by heady illnesses brought on by exposure to that rare-for-1979 experience, sunshine.

Members of the Omoro Theatre Company, of Rectory Road, West Bridgford, were all suitably garbed for a performance of a traditional mummers' play.

And the appropriate venue was outside the Trip to Jerusalem pub, Nottingham ... by tradition, the oldest inn in England."

Variant: a


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Variant: b


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Index Terms:

Locations: Nottingham, Notts. (SK5739); West Bridgford, Notts. (SK5837)
Years: Perf. 1979
Subjects: Omoro Theatre Company; Mummers; Play; Photo
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00314;
Notts. County Library, Local Studies Section, Folklore Box, L39.9

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Mar 1992 by Peter Millington.