Newark Advertiser (1980a)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
*Plough Service at Tithby
*Newark Advertiser, 18th Jan. 1980

Photo captioned;

"Tithby's 13th Century parish church provides a backdrop for a 40-year old plough taken to it for a Plough Service on Sunday by Mr Clifford Earl of Cropwell Butler (left) in a dray drawn by Beauty. Mr Earl was helped by, left to right, Timothy Swan, Neil Stubbs, John Perkins, Mr Stanley Stubbs and Michael Perkins, who are pictured with the Rev Colin Perkins, Wiverton Group Minister, who blessed the plough."

Main variant


Thumbnail of scanned source page

Index Terms:

Locations: Tithby, Notts. (SK6936)
Years: Perf. 1980
Subjects: Plough Blessing; Church Service; Plough Service; Plough Sunday
People: Mr. Clifford Earl (Perf.); Timothy Swan (Perf.); Neil Stubbs (Perf.); John Perkins (Perf.); Mr. Stanley Stubbs (Perf.); Michael Perkins (Perf.); Rev. Colin Perkins (Perf.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00313;
Notts. County Library, Local Studies Section, Folklore Box, L39

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Mar 1992 by Peter Millington.