T.Ratcliffe (1922)


Thos. Ratcliffe (Auth.)
LOCAL NOTES & QUERIES: Christmas Mummers
*Nottinghamshire Guardian, 15th Dec.1922

"Do Christmas waits, guisers and mummers still go round in Notts. and Derbyshire villages? I scarcely know which come first in my memory, for they seem to crowd upon the other. The waits, however, recall the most pleasant memories. The guisers and mummers were more or less a terror to me. I expect it was the dress and make-up - for instance, that of Devil Doubt. Are they still known in the district?"

Index Terms:

Locations: Notts.; Derbys.
Years: Publ. 1922
Subjects: Guisers; Mummers; Waits; Devil Doubt
People: Thomas Ratcliffe (Auth.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00213;
Local Notes & Queries Scrapbook, 1922-1926, p.13

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Mar 1990 by Idwal Jones.