Nottinghamshire Guardian (1950)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
[Plough Monday Play, Tollerton, Notts.]
Nottinghamshire Guardian, 14th Jan.1950, No.5461, p.6 a-c

Photo of seven characters in costume in line facing the camera - Dame Jane holding doll in the middle.

The caption read; "The mummers' play which was revived a few years ago at Tollerton, is now firmly established, and here one sees the seven characters before they set out on their rounds of the farmhouses in the Plumtree area."

Main variant


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Variant: a


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Index Terms:

Locations: Plumtree, Notts. (SK6133); Tollerton, Notts. (SK6134)
Years: Perf. 1950
Subjects: Photo; Play; Mummers; Dame Jane
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00171

Last Updated Dec 1987 by Idwal Jones.