Nottinghamshire Guardian (1942a)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
Local Notes and Queries : Plough Monday Trouble At Muskham
Nottinghamshire Guardian, 3rd Jan.1942, No.5042, pp.3 c-d

Notes the recent revival of Plough Monday customs in Notts., but without the malicious ploughing aspects of the former "fool plough" mummers. It then describes an incident at North Muskham, Notts., in 1597 when the church yard was ploughed up, and the plough trailers were arraigned in court.

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Index Terms:

Locations: North Muskham, Notts. (SK7958)
Years: Perf. 1597; Publ. 1942
Subjects: Malicious Ploughing; Plough Trailing; Fool Plough; Plough Monday; Mummers
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00164

Last Updated Oct 2004 by Idwal Jones.