Nottinghamshire Guardian (1935b)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
*LOCAL NOTES AND QUERIES: Plough Monday In Old Notts
*Nottinghamshire Guardian, 19th Jan.1935

A description of Plough Monday or Plough Bullock Day, taken from J.P.Briscoe (1876). It repeats the descriptions of Shelford Plough Bullocking, and the quotation of W.Irving's (1835) description of Plough Monday at Newstead Abbey, Notts. This mentions the recitation of the old ballad St. George and the Dragon, and a set of Morris-dancers, which included the characters; Robin Hood, Marian, Beelzebub and Bessy. The trailing of the "Fool Plough" is also mentioned in general terms.

Main variant


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Index Terms:

Locations: Shelford, Notts. (SK6642); Newstead Abbey, Notts. (SK5453)
Years: *Publ. 1935
Subjects: Plough Trailing; Play; Plough Monday; Plough Bullock Day; Fool Plough; Morris-Dancers; Plough Bullocking; St. George and the Dragon; Robin Hood; Marian; Beelzebub; Bessy; Briscoe,J.P. (1876); Irving,W. (1835)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00160;
Local Notes & Queries Scrapbook, 1933-35, p.129

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Sep 1990 by Idwal Jones.