Nottingham Journal (1950a)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
Plough Monday Play Tours Notts Farms [Tollerton]
Nottingham Journal, 7th Jan.1950, No.38675, p.5h

"A familiar face was missing when the Tollerton "Ploughboys" gathered at Hall Farm, Tollerton, last night, to tour the neighbouring farms and cottages with the Plough Monday play.

This centuries-old tradition was revived at Tollerton a few years ago by a farmer Mr. A.H.Brown, who died last September, but his wife has carried on the work and organised the players.

And so last night, Plough Bullock, Hub-Hub, St.George, Recruiting Sergeant, Old Squire and the rest, in the traditional costumes, went from farm to farm and performed their mumming, which starts by knocking for admission.

The players will tour the district for about a week and the most important might well, of course, be on Monday."

The list of characters is different to those given for other accounts of the Tollerton plough play. It does, however, tally with a list given by C.Brown (1891), which itself seems to have drawn on a Cornish play published by W.S. in W.Hone's "Every-Day Book" (1927).

Main variant


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Index Terms:

Locations: Tollerton, Notts. (SK6134)
Years: Publ. 1950; Perf. 1950
Subjects: Play; Plough Monday; Plough Bullock; Hub-Hub; St. George; Old Squire
People: Mr. A. H. Brown (Organiser)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00135

Last Updated Jul 1988 by Idwal Jones.