Nottingham Journal (1949b)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
BISHOP BLESSES PLOUGH: Nutrition as Aid to Peace [Newark, Notts.]
Nottingham Journal, 10th Jan.1949, No.38367, p.6 g

Report on Plough Sunday service at Newark Parish Church. The plough was blessed by the Bishop of Southwell who said the service was being reintroduced for the first time for several hundreds of years.

Main variant


Thumbnail of scanned source page

Index Terms:

Locations: Newark, Notts. (SK7953)
Years: Publ. 1949; Perf. 1949
Subjects: Plough Blessing; Plough Sunday
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00134;
T.Bailey Forman Library, "Plough Monday" file

Last Updated Feb 2005 by Idwal Jones.