Nottingham Journal (1947)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
No 'Plough Monday' Revival [at Tollerton]
Nottingham Journal, 13th Jan.1947, No.37749, p.2h

General article concerning Plough Monday in Notts.

Mr.A.H.Brown of Hall Farm is quoted as saying that the play was performed in Tollerton until the early years of the war and he hoped to revive it the next year.

The play was performed in the Cropwell Bishop area until 1939.

Main variant


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Index Terms:

Locations: Tollerton, Notts. (SK6134); Cropwell Bishop, Notts. (SK6835)
Years: Publ. 1947; Ceased 1939
Subjects: Plough Blessing; Plough Trailing; Plough Monday
People: Mr. A. H. Brown (Inf.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00131;
T.Bailey Forman Library, "Plough Monday" file

Last Updated Feb 2005 by Idwal Jones.