Nottingham Guardian (1950b)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
Nottingham Guardian,
10th Jan.1950, No.29197, p.5 c-d
Photo showing three onlookers and seven characters in costume watching the
Doctor treat the Threshing Blade. The caption reads; "Members of the Elding
family (on left) watching the performance of the ancient Plough Monday Mummers'
play in the drawing room of their home at Manor Farm, Plumtree last night. The
performers are George Ayto (Tom Fool), Ernest Burton (Sergeant), Joseph Sewards
(Farmer's Man), Fred Hutchinson (Lady Bright and Gay), Percy Morrison (Dame
Jane), Raymond Clark (Threshing Blade), and Fred Swanborough (Doctor)."
Main variant
Index Terms:
Locations: |
Tollerton, Notts. (SK6134); Plumtree, Notts. (SK6133)
Years: |
Perf. 1950
Subjects: |
Photo; Play; Mummers; Threshing Blade; Doctor; Plough Monday; Tom Fool; Sergeant; Farmer's Man; Lady Bright and Gay; Dame Jane; Threshing Blade; Doctor
People: |
George Ayto (Perf.); Ernest Burton (Perf.); Joseph Sewards (Perf.); Fred Hutchinson (Perf.); Percy Morrison (Perf.); Raymond Clark (Perf.); Fred Swanborough (Perf.); Messrs. Elding (Witnesses)
Archives: |
TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00127; Notts. County Library, County Folklore Box;; Denman Public Library, Retford, Notts., Customs File
Last Updated Nov 1987 by Peter Millington.