Nottingham Guardian (1950a)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
PLOUGH MONDAY: Old Mummery Seen at Notts. Farms [Tollerton, Notts.]
Nottingham Guardian, 10th Jan.1950, No.29197, p.3 f-g

Description of a performance of a Plough Monday Ploughboys' Play by a team from Tollerton and district, Notts. Plough trailing in the past is mentioned. The Tollerton custom ceased about 1908, but was revived in the early 1930s. It again lapsed during the Second World War, but was restarted in 1948 by Mr.A.H.Brown of Hall Farm, Tollerton. This 1950 team started in Plumtree, and ended at Normanton. All the actors are named, and the characters were; Tom Fool, Recruiting Sergeant, Farmer's Boy, Lady Bright and Gay, Dame Jane, Threshing Blade and Doctor.

Variant: a


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Index Terms:

Locations: Tollerton, Notts. (SK6134); Plumtree, Notts. (SK6133); Normanton, Notts. (SK6232)
Years: Perf. 1950; Ceased about 1908; Rev. early 1930s; Rev. 1948; Lapsed about 1940
Subjects: Play; Plough Trailing; Plough Monday; Mummers; Ploughboys; Cast List; Tom Fool; Recruiting Sergeant; Farmer's Boy; Lady Bright and Gay; Dame Jane; Threshing Blade; Doctor
People: Mr. Raymond Clark (Perf.); Mr. George Ayto (Perf.); Mr. Ernest Burton (Perf.); Mr. Joseph Sewards (Perf.); Mr. Fred Hutchinson (Perf.); Mr. Percy Morris (Perf.); Mr. Fred Swanborough (Perf.); Mr. A. H. Brown (Organiser); Mr. & Mrs. H. Elding (Audience)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00126;
Notts. County Library, County Folklore Box

Last Updated Feb 1992 by Peter Millington.