Nottingham Guardian (1949a)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
Nottingham Guardian, 8th Jan.1949, No.28886, p.4 c-e

Plough Monday play at Tollerton, Notts. Photo showing seven characters in costumes, watching Tom Fool knocking on door. Very similar to Nottingham Journal (1949). The caption reads;

"Tom Fool (George Ayto) knocking for admission at Hall Farm, Tollerton, last night, when the village Plough Monday mummers started their tour of the district. Other characters seen are the Doctor (Fred Swanborough), Lady Bright and Gay (Fred Hutchinson), Dame Jane - and baby (Percy Morris), Farmer's Man (Joe Seward), Thrashing Blade (Archie Stubbs) and Recruiting Sergeant (Ernest Burton)."

Main variant


Thumbnail of scanned source page

Index Terms:

Locations: Tollerton, Notts. (SK6134)
Years: Perf. 1949
Subjects: Photo; Play; Plough Monday; Tom Fool; Recruiting Sergeant; Mummers; Doctor; Lady Bright and Gay; Dame Jane; Farmer's Man; Thrashing Blade
People: George Ayto (Perf.); Fred Swanborough (Perf.); Fred Hutchinson (Perf.); Percy Morris (Perf.); Joe Seward (Perf.); Archie Stubbs (Perf.); Ernest Burton (Perf.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00124;
Notts. County Library, County Folklore Box

Last Updated Feb 1992 by Idwal Jones.