Nottingham Evening Post (1879)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
Nottingham Evening Post,
17th Jan.1879, No.222, p.3 e
"The annual Plough-Day Fair in connection with the Nottingham Cattle Market
was held to-day, when a large quantity of stock was disposed of both by auction
and private contract, considering the somewhat meagre supply of cattle last
year. The show of horses, however, was not so good as on previous occasions,
either in point of quantity or quality, many of which remained unsold, there
being only a small number of buyers present. Messrs. Bausor, Abbott and Smith,
auctioneers, sold, as usual, a large number of horned stock, which generally
sold at high prices, there being a number of Sheffield and Lincoln buyers in
attendance. In-calf cows sold at from `20 to `30 each, while barren cows were
disposed of at from `10 to `12. The same firm also sold a number of horses,
which, however, were generally bought at the following prices:- Cart horses
sold at from `25 to `80 each, while nag horses fetched from `20 to `30 each. In
addition to the ordinary cattle sales, Mr. John Bailey, auctioneer, sold a large
quantity of poultry, fish, oranges, apples, &c. His mart seemed a great centre
of attraction to buyers of this class of provisions."
Variant: a
Index Terms:
Locations: |
Nottingham, Notts. (SK5739)
Years: |
Held 1879
Subjects: |
Cattle Market; Plough-Day Fair
Archives: |
TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00106
Last Updated Mar 1990 by Idwal Jones.