Newark Advertiser (1980b)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
Weekend of festive fun at Flintham [Ploughboys' Play]
Newark Advertiser,
30th May 1980, Vol.127, No.6710, p.14a-f
Report of a parish fund raising weekend at Flintham Hall, Notts., which
included a revival performance of a Ploughboys' Play by children. A large
accompanying photo shows the cast, with a caption listing the performers -
six girls and four boys.
Variant: a
Variant: b
Index Terms:
Locations: |
Flintham, Notts. (SK7446)
Years: |
Perf. 1980
Subjects: |
Play; Ploughboys
People: |
Wendy Thomson (Perf.); Debbie Smith (Perf.); Robert Cartledge (Perf.); Richard Woodley (Perf.); Sharon Smith (Perf.); Christian Hall (Perf.); Mark Howlett (Perf.); Jackie Rouse (Perf.); Jane Woodley (Perf.); Susan Plackett (Perf.)
Archives: |
TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00096; Notts. County Library, County Folklore Box
Last Updated Apr 2005 by Idwal Jones.