C.Brown (1891)


Cornelius Brown (Auth.)
London: Elliot Stock, 1891, pp.265-280

The chapter on "Legend, tradition and anecdote" lists the following contents;

"Robin Hood and his Band - Ballads of the Period - The Gothamites - The King and the Miller of Mansfield - Ancient Instruments of Torture - The Plough Bullocks - 'Riding the Stang' - The Fair Maid of Clifton - St. Catherine's Well at Newark - Nan Scott's Chamber at Holme - Dick Turpin and his Accomplice - The Poets of the Newark Sieges - Hercules Clay and his Dream."

The piece on Plough Monday, Plough Bullocks says; "The writer has a distinct recollection of a party of them visiting his father's house at night adorned with paint and feathers, and performing a play. [This would be Lowdham, Notts.] He then refers to a play given by W.Hone (1837), but gives the cast as; [an Introducer], Plough Bullock, Turkish Knight, St. George, Doctor, Old Squire, Hub Bub, and the Box Holder.

This account has been much quoted by later authors, sometimes giving the erroneous impression that the play described came from Notts.

Main variant


Legend, Tradition, and Anecdote    275
Until a few years ago 'Plough Monday' was a great day
with the agricultural labourers. Bodies of them used to
parade the village streets adorned with paper finery, and
their cheeks dyed a deep red by the application of ochre,
See full transcript...

Variant: b


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Variant: external-resource

Index Terms:

Locations: Lowdham, Notts. (SK6646); St. Catherine's Well, Newark, Notts. (SK7953); Gotham, Notts. (SK5330); Holme, Notts. (SK8059)
Years: Publ. 1891
Subjects: Legend; Folklore; Robin Hood; Ballads; "Merry Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham"; "The King and the Miller of Mansfield"; Plough Bullocks; Riding the Stang; "The Fair Maid of Clifton"; Folk Tales; Nan Scott's Chamber; Dick Turpin; Hercules Clay; Dreams; Plough Monday; Play; Hone,W. (1837); Introducer; Plough Bullock; Turkish Knight; St. George; Doctor; Old Squire; Hub Bub; Box Holder
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00021;
Nottinghamshire History, http://www.nottshistory.org.uk/Brown1896/legend1.htm, Accessed 15th Feb.2018

Last Updated Sep 1987 by Peter Millington.