J.B. (1898)


J. B. (Auth.)
*Nottinghamshire Guardian, 12th Aug.1898

Listing of various superstitions and customs including:

"Plough boys, plough bullocks or plough witches (for by all these names they are known), grotesquely dressed, blowing horns and drawing ploughs, perambulate on the first Monday in the new year (Plough Monday), and collect money for a feast. Mummers (now nearly extinct) perform a play in which is introduced the King of Egypt's daughter. Morrice dances are now almost a thing of the past."

Also mentioned are various omens of bad luck or future events, "shittles" (plum buns) made on Saint Valentine's Day in east Leics., Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, women begging corn from farms on Saint Thomas's Day, customs relating to death, on the 28th May - King Charles' Day - wearing oak leaves, and at Narborough, placing oak boughs over doors. Further calendar customs: Kattern cakes baked at Caldecott on Saint Catherine's Day, May garlands and songs taken from house to house, wakes, and wrestling matches at Kibworth.

Article with identical text to J.B. (1886)

Main variant


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Index Terms:

Locations: Leics.; Narborough, Leics. (SP5497); Caldecott, Rutland (SP8693); Kibworth, Leics. (SP6894)
Years: First Publ. 1886; Publ. 1898
Subjects: Plough Trailing; Play; Plough Monday; Plough Boys; Plough Bullocks; Plough Witches; Mummers; Morrice Dancers; King of Egypt's Daughter; Omens; Luck; Customs; Shrove Tuesday; Shittles; Saint Valentine's Day; Pancakes; Saint Thomas's Day; Death Customs; 28th May; King Charles' Day; Kattern Cakes; Saint Catherine's Day; May Garlands; May Songs; House Visiting; Wakes; Wrestling
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00012;
Local Notes & Queries Scrapbook, Vol.10, p.5

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Jul 2004 by Idwal Jones.