Electronic ERD - Locations - Warwickshire, England

Compiled by E.C.Cawte, A.Helm & N.Peacock. Online ed.: P.T.Millington

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Master Home >> eERD Home >> Warwickshire, England
Location Grid Ref. Extant Time of Appearance Text Play Class Sources Note
Alderminster(SP2248)c. 1870ChristmasFrag.Hero-CombatC. (1913), Barnard (1913)  
Bidford-on-Avon(SP1051)c. 1886ChristmasTextHero-CombatPeacock Coll., Marriott Coll., Westerling (1939), Carpenter Coll. [1.]
Birdingbury(SP4368)1881ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat VisitingHarry (1884)  
Broadwell(SP4565)c. 1900ChristmasTextHero-CombatOrdish Coll., Gatty (1948) [2.]
Churchover(SP5080)  No TextHero-CombatOrdish Coll. [3.]
Easenhall(SP4679) ChristmasNo TextHero-CombatMendham Coll.  
Great Wolford(SP2434)c. 1884ChristmasTextHero-CombatTiddy (1923), Carpenter Coll. [4.]
Ilmington(SP2143)c. 1886ChristmasTextHero-CombatTiddy (1923), Bloom (1930), Carpenter Coll. [5.]
Leamington Hastings(SP4467)19th cty TextHero-CombatOrdish Coll. [6.]
Little Compton(SP2630)c. 1884ChristmasTextHero-CombatCarpenter Coll. [7.]
Newbold on Avon(SP4877)1897ChristmasTextHero-CombatRouse (1899)  
Pillerton(SP2948)  TextHero-CombatTiddy (1923)  
Rugby(SP5075)1897ChristmasTextHero-CombatRouse (1899), Ordish Coll.  
Salford Priors(SP0751)c. 1894ChristmasTextHero-CombatCarpenter Coll. [7.]
Stoneleigh(SP3272) ChristmasTextHero-CombatHarris (1925)  
Tachbrook(SP3162)c. 1908ChristmasTextHero-CombatCarpenter Coll. [7.]


1.Pt.2 changes: Christmas and source Carpenter Coll. added (Delete Westerling (1939)). Text availability changed from 'Frag.' to 'Text'.
2.[See Leamington Hastings for the original ERD footnote and the Pt.1 amendments.]
3.Pt.1 change: Christmas deleted.
4.Pt.2 changes: c.1884 and source Carpenter Coll. added
5.Pt.2 change: c.1870 changed to c.1886. Source Carpenter Coll. added
6.The texts of these two plays [Broadwell and Leamington Hastings] are identical, and the original source, E. Isham, the same in both cases. The text in Ordish Coll. is labelled Leamington Hastings, and that in Gatty (1948), Broadwell. A separate note in Ordish Coll. refers to a Broadwell play, but no text or any other detail is given. Under the circumstances therefore, we have given both locations, but whether or not one team served both, or two separate teams used the same text, it is now impossible to say.
Pt.1 change: Delete entirely [Leamington Hastings]. The footnote is misleading. There is no text in Ordish Coll., but Mrs. Eden mentions that she has the text, twice saying 'Leamington Hastings' and once 'Broadwell in the parish of Leamington Hastings'. There is another example of her confusion when she lists a text under both the village and the parish. Ordish listed this text as Broadwell in a report (unpublished in Ordish Coll.) to the Folklore Society. It is presumably this text from the Eden collection which was printed in Gatty (1948) as Broadwell, but the Eden MSS seem to have been lost since that publication. There is no sound evidence for a Leamington Hastings performance, and none at all for a text.
7.Pt.3 addition
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© 2007-2024, E.C.Cawte, N.Peacock & P.Millington ( Rev. 07-Oct-2024