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Compiled by E.C.Cawte, A.Helm & N.Peacock. Online ed.: P.T.Millington

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Macdonald (1929) Alee Macdonald (1929) A Short History of Repton
London, Ernest Benn, 1929, p.74
Derbyshire, England
MacGeorge (1888) Andrew MacGeorge (1888) Old Glasgow: The Place and its People
Glasgow, Blackie and Son, 1888, p.196
Lanarkshire, Scotland
Machyn (1848) Henry Machyn (1848) The Diary of Henry Machyn, ed. by John Gough Nichols
Camden Society, 1848, No.XLII, pp.247-8
Camden Society, London
London, England
St Pancras(TQ2982)156027 JanuaryNo TextDoubtful[Nb]
Maclagan (1905) R. C. Maclagan (1905) Collectanea: Additions to "The Games of Argylshire"
Folk-Lore, 1905, Vol.XVI, p.211
[Pt.1 change: Author and title added]
Perthshire, Scotland
[Unlocated] 19th ctyNew YearFrag.Hero-Combat 
Maclure (1905) A. Mabel Maclure (1905) Notes and Queries No. 10479
Manchester City News, 4th Mar.1905, p.2c
City News Office, Manchester
Lancashire, England
Manchester(SJ8397)1905Easter and ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Macnamara (1931) Margaret Macnamara (1931) A Christmas Mummers' Play
Drama, 1931, Vol.10, No.3, pp.42-4
British Drama League, London
Lincolnshire, England
Brigg(TA0007)19th ctyChristmasTextWooing / Hero-Combat 
Somerby(TA0606)c. 1900ChristmasTextWooing / Hero-Combat 
Macray (1901) W. D. Macray (1901) Historical Manuscripts Commission Report on Manuscripts in Various Collections I. The Records of Quarter Sessions in the County of Wilts
1901, p.130
Wiltshire, England
Calne(ST9971)16551 JanuaryNo TextDoubtful[Nb]
MacTaggart (1876) John MacTaggart (1876) Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopaedia (2nd edition)
London, Hamilton Adams and Co., 1876, pp.502-3
[1st edition, 1824]
[Unlocated], Scotland
Madan ms F. Madan (no date) MS
in: MS of F. Madan, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Eng.Poet.c.17
[Ref. checked by Alex Helm]
Gloucestershire, England
Dursley(ST7597)c. 1885ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Oxfordshire, England
Ducklington(SP3507)1904ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat[Nb]
Maidment (1835) [James Maidment] (1835) Galations
[Edinburgh], [1835],
[Only 25 copies of {MaiM} were printed, but {CoSA} repeats it almost verbatim. BM Shelf No. 4406 g 2, f. 60]
Stirlingshire, Scotland
Stirling(NS7993)c. 1898ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Makin (1923) Thomas Makin (1923) [Title not given]
The Yorkshire Evening Post, 20th Jan.1923, No.10088, p.4g
The Yorkshire Conservative Newspaper Co. Ltd., Leeds
Yorkshire - West Riding, England
Swinton(SK4499) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Manchester Guardian (1902) [Anon.] (1902) [Title not given]
The Manchester Guardian, 26th Dec.1902, No.17590, p.10ab
Cheshire, England
[Unlocated]  ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Manly (1897) John Matthews Manly (1897) Specimens of the Pre-Shaksperean Drama, I
Boston [U.S.A.], Ginn and Co., 1897, pp.279-81
["Reference valuable for general reading"]
[Reference not used in the Location Lists]
Manning (1895-1910) Percy J. Manning (1895-1910) Manuscripts
Bodleian Library, c.1895-1910, Top. Oxon. d.199
Berkshire, England
Long Wittenham(SU5493)19th ctyChristmasNo TextHero-Combat[Nb]
Cumberland, England
Oxfordshire, England
Kirtlington(SP5019)c. 1870ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Marston(SP5208)c. 1899 TextHero-Combat[Nb]
Milton(SP4535)  Frag.Hero-Combat 
Sutton(SP4106)c. 1901WinterNo TextHero-Combat 
Yorkshire - West Riding, England
Adel(SE2740)c. 1905ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Manning (1898) Percy Manning (1898) [Title not given]
Oxford Times, 24th Dec.1898, p.90
[cutting in {OrdC}]
Oxfordshire, England
Kirtlington(SP5019)c. 1870ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Marriott Coll. R. J. Marriott Collection
Gloucestershire, England
Northamptonshire and the Soke of Peterborough, England
Bugbrooke(SP6757)1890's No TextHero-Combat 
Farthingstone(SP6155)1890's No TextHero-Combat 
Flore(SP6460)1890's Frag.Hero-Combat 
Kislingbury(SP6959)1890's No TextHero-Combat 
Staffordshire, England
Handsacre(SK0916) ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
Norton Canes(SK0107)c. 1907ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Wimblebury(SK0111)  No TextDoubtful Hero-Combat 
Warwickshire, England
Bidford-on-Avon(SP1051)c. 1886ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Marsden (1921) F. H. Marsden (1921) Two Essays on the Dialect of Upper Calderdale
Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society, 1921, Vol.IV, Pt.XXII, p.41913
The Society, Bradford
Yorkshire - West Riding, England
Sowerby Bridge(SE0623)1921EasterFrag.Hero-Combat 
Marshall (1926) M. W. M. [Maisie W. Marshall] (1926) Folk Drama
Nottingham Guardian, 9 Jan. 1926
[Cutting in Nottinghamshire County Library, Local History Collection, L39-39.9.]
Lincolnshire, England
Navenby(SK9857)late 19 cent.?ChristmasNo TextDoubtful[Nb]
Marshall (1931) John J. Marshall (1931) Popular Rhymes and Sayings of Ireland, 2nd Edition, rewritten and enlarged
Dungannon, Tyrone Printing Co. Ltd., 1931, pp.39-45
Down, Ireland
Donaghadee(J5980)1940ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat[Nb]
Tyrone, Ireland
West 1929ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Marshall (1967) Sybil Marshall (1967) Fenland Chronicle
Cambridge University Press, 1967, p.201
Huntingdonshire, England
Ramsey(TL2885)c. 1880Plough Monday?Frag.Hero-Combat[Nb]
Masefield MS C. J. B. Masefield (no date) MS
William Salt Library, Stafford
[{HelC} XXXI 204]
Staffordshire, England
Cheadle(SK0043)c. 1895ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat[Nb]
Massingham (1932) H. J. Massingham (1932) Wold without End
London, Cobden-Sanderson, 1932, pp.24-6
Gloucestershire, England
Chipping Campden(SP1539)1965ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Massingham (1934) H. J. Massingham (1934) Country
London, Cobden-Sanderson, 1934, pp.203-4
Buckinghamshire, England
Long Crendon(SP6908)c. 1934ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat[Nb]
Massingham (1938) H. J. Massingham (1938) Shepherd's Country
London, Chapman and Hall, 1938, pp. xv, 144
Gloucestershire, England
Maylam (1909) Percy Maylam (1909) The Hooden Horse, an East Kent Christmas Custom
Canterbury, printed Cross and Jackman, 1909, p.69
Cheshire, England
Weaverham(SJ6174)1938All SoulsFrag.Hero-Combat 
Mayson (1926) Christopher Mayson (1926) Some recent experiences in folk-song collecting
Word-Lore (ed. Douglas Macmillan), 1926, Vol.I, p.189
Folk Press Ltd., London
Berkshire, England
M'Bain (1887) J. M. M'Bain F.S.A.(Scot) (1887) Arbroath, Past and Present
Arbroath, Brodie and Salmon, 1887, pp.341-2
Angus, Scotland
Arbroath(NO6340)Bef. 1887Hallowe'enFrag.Hero-Combat 
McCaffrey (1958) John McCaffrey (1958) The Wexford Mummers
Ireland of the Welcomes, Jan./Feb.1958, Vol.6, No.5, p.24
Bord Failte, Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
McCaughan Michael McCaughan (1968) 'Christmas Rhymers in thn Donaqhadee Area
Ulster Folklife, 1968, Vol.14, pp.66-8
Ulster Folk Museum

[Ref. checked by Alex Helm]
[Reference not used in the Location Lists]
McCaughan (1968) Michael McCaughan (1968) Christmas Rhymers in the Donaghadee Area
Ulster Folklife, 1968, Vol.14, pp.68-70
[Ref. checked by Alex Helm]
Down, Ireland
Ballyfrenis(J6171)c. 1936before ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Ballyhay(J5677)c. 1936before ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Ballyvester(J5778)c. 1936before ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Craigboy(J5877)c. 1936before ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Donaghadee(J5980)1940ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat[Nb]
Drumawhy(J5474)c. 1936before ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
McCormick Coll. Margaret E. McCormick Collection
[{HelC} XXIX 79]
Lancashire, England
Newton(SD2271)  TextHero-Combat[Nb]
McElwaine (1912) P. A. McElwaine (1912) [Title not given]
Notes and Queries, Series 11, 1912, Vol.V, p.110
Antrim, Ireland
Carrickfergus(J4187)c. 1898ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
McGonigle (1925) K. McGonigle (1925) Scraps of English Folklore, XI. Northumberland (Ellingham Women's Institute)
Folk-Lore, 1925, Vol.XXXVI, p.251
Northumberland, England
Ellingham(NU1725) ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
Mendham Coll. G. Mendham Collection
Warwickshire, England
Easenhall(SP4679) ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
Mercer (1960) T. S. Mercer (1960) A Mummers' Play
Esher News and Advertiser, 22nd Jan.1960, p.50
The Wolsey Press Ltd., Esher
Surrey, England
Thames Ditton(TQ1567)c. 1939ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Mercer Coll. Miss Faith Mercer Collection
Memorial University of Newfoundland material.
[This is mentioned in {BroL}.]
Newfoundland, Canada
Herring Neck(49.63667,
Meynell (1945) Esther Meynell (1945) Sussex
London, Hale, c.1945, p.248
Sussex, England
West Wittering(SZ7898)c. 1890ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Meynell (1957-1958) Rosemary Meynell (1957-1958) Come, Brave Bow Slash and his men
The Derbyshire Countryside, Dec.1957/Jan.1958, Vol.XXIII, No.1, pp.22-3, 35
Derbyshire Rural Community Council, Derby
Derbyshire, England
Hilton(SK2430) ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Holbrook(SK3645) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Horsley(SK3744)c. 1900ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Kirk Hallam(SK4540)c. 1910ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Middleton Accounts Middleton (1524) Household Accounts, 1524
[quoted {BasE}, 229-30]
Lincolnshire, England
Broughton(SE9508)1524New Year's EveNo TextDoubtful 
Millington (1971) Peter T. Millington (1971) MS
18th & 25th Feb.1971
[in {BarC}]
Derbyshire, England
New Houghton(SK4965)1971ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Millington (1980) P. T. Millington (1980) An Interim List of Nottinghamshire Folk Plays and Related Customs,
the Author, Long Eaton, 1980,
[Reference not used in the Location Lists]
Millington Coll. P. T. Millington Collection
Nottinghamshire County Library, Local History Collection, qL39 - qL39.9A
Nottinghamshire, England
Blidworth(SK5855)1933Christmas & Plough MondayTextWooing / Hero-Combat[Nb]
Millington et al (1971 & 1972) Peter Millington and others (1971 & 1972) Plays collected by Nottingham Traditional Music Club's Research Group
Nottinghamshire County Library, Local History Collection, qL39.9A., 1971 and 1972
Derbyshire, England
Heanor(SK4346)early 20 cent. Frag.Hero-Combat[Nb]
Langley(SK4446)early 20 cent.ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat[Nb]
New Houghton(SK4965)1971ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Pinxton(SK4554)c. 1909ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Nottinghamshire, England
Kimberley(SK4944)1906Plough MondayTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Swingate(SK5043)c. 1910 Frag.Hero-Combat[Nb]
Mills (1913) C. Mills (1913) Notes and Queries
The Evesham Journal and Four Shires Advertiser, 10th May 1913, p.4a
The Proprietors, Evesham
Worcestershire, England
Evesham(SP0344)c. 1870ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Millward (1948) Thomas Millward (1948) It's an old Christmas Custom
Hampshire County Magazine, Sep.-Oct.1948, Vol.2, No.2, pp.29-30
Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, England
Miners (1928) Tom Miners (1928) The Mummers' Play in West Cornwall
Old Cornwall, Oct.1928, Vol.I, No.8, pp.4-15
James Lanham Ltd., St Ives
Cornwall, England
Cadgwith(SW7214) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Connor Downs(SW5939) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Fraddon(SW9158) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Germoe(SW5829) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Penponds(SW6339) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat[Nb]
Penpont(SX0874)  Frag.Hero-Combat[Nb]
Penrose(SW8770) ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
Ruan Minor(SW7115) ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
St. Martin(SX2655)1887ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Stithians(SW7336)c. 1914ChristmasTextHero-Combat 
Glamorganshire, Wales
Tonypandy(SS9992)  Frag.Hero-Combat 
Mitchell (1913) Henry Mitchell (1913) Records and Recollections of Acton
Ealing, Middlesex County Times Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., 1913, p.45
Middlesex, England
Acton(TQ1980)c. 1860 No TextHero-Combat 
Mitchell (1960) J. R. Mitchell (1960) T'Pace Eggers
The Dalesman, Oct.1960, Vol.XXII, No.7, pp.506-7
Dalesman Publishing Co., Clapham
Yorkshire - West Riding, England
Heptonstall(SD9827)c. 1912EasterTextHero-Combat 
Monson Accounts Monson Family (no date) Burton House Accounts
Lincoln Record Office, 10/1A/3 and 10/1A/6
Lincolnshire, England
Burton(SK9574)1785Jan. and Dec.No TextDoubtful 
Nettleham(TF0075)1783JanuaryNo TextDoubtful 
North Carlton(SK9477)1790ChristmasNo TextDoubtful 
Saxilbv(SK8975)1783JanuaryNo TextDoubtful 
South Carlton(SK9576)1790JanuaryNo TextDoubtful 
Moorman (1911) F. W. Moorman (1911) A Yorkshire Folk Play and its Analogues
Essays and Studies, 1911, Vol.II, pp.134-57
Clarendon Press, Oxford

["Reference valuable for general reading"]
Yorkshire - West Riding, England
Morrice Dancers (1779) [Anon.] (1779) October ye 20.1779. The Morrice Dancers (named in Dramatis Personae) acted their merry dancing &c. at Revesby …
BM, 20th Oct.1779, BM Add. MS 44870
Lincolnshire, England
Revesby(TF2961)1779OctoberTextSword Dance Visiting[Nb]
Morris (1885) William Morris (1885) Swindon Fifty Years Ago (more or less)
Swindon, Advertiser's Office, 1885, pp.141-50
Wiltshire, England
Swindon(SU1484)c. 1835ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
Morris (1965) Oliver Morris (1965) The Old Broadway Mummers Play
Evesham Journal and Four Shires Advertiser, 24th Dec.1965, No.5507, pp.8d-f, 9ab
W. & H. Smith Ltd., Evesham
Worcestershire, England
Moss (1950) Barney Moss (1950) [Title not given]
The Newfoundlander, 10th Jan.1950, Vol.12, No.8, pp.140, 15a-e
The Newfoundlander Publishing Co., St. John's, Newfoundland
Newfoundland, Canada
c. 1900ChristmasTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Mowbray (1898) A. B. de Mowbray (1898) Knossington
Reading, printed Bradley and Son, 1898, p.67
Leicestershire, England
Knossington(SK8008) ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
Mummer Plays, Co. Lincoln (1823-1842) [Anon.] (no date) Mummer Plays, Co. Lincoln, 1823-1842
BM, BM Add. MS 33,418, ff. 1-17
Lincolnshire, England
[Unlocated] early 19th cty TextWooing 
Bassingham(SK9059)late 1940'sChristmas and Plough weekTextWooing / Hero-Combat[Nb]
Swinderby(SK8662)1874Christmas & Plough MondayTextWooing / Hero-Combat[Nb]
Mummers' Act [Anon.] (1840) The Mummers' Act; or, Morris Dancers' Annual Play of St.George....: New Edition
Pearce & Son, London & Sheffield, n.d.,(c.1840?),
[Ref. checked by Alex Helm]
Yorkshire - West Riding, England
Sheffield(SK3587)1901Christmas and EasterTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Mundy (1885) Harriot Georgiana Mundy [ed.] (1885) The Journal of Mary Frampton from the year 1779, until the year 1846
London, Sampson Low, 1885, pp.365-6
Dorset, England
Moreton(SY8089)1830ChristmasNo TextHero-Combat 
Murphy (1940) Michael J. Murphy (1940) At Slieve Gullion's Foot
Dundalk, Dundalgan Press, 1940, pp.81-4
Armagh, Ireland
Drumintee(J0316) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Murphy (1964) Michael J. Murphy (1964) One Man's Way
B.B.C. Home Service, Broadcast: 22nd Apr.1964, 9 p.m.
Armagh, Ireland
Drumintee(J0316) ChristmasFrag.Hero-Combat 
Murray (1875) R. Murray (1875) The Teviotdale Guizards
The Border Treasury of Things New and Old, 2nd Jan.1875, Vol.I, No.24, pp.271-2
Galashiels, Thomas Frier Brockie
Roxburghshire, Scotland
Abbotsford(NT5034)c. 1894New YearNo TextHero-Combat Visiting[Nb]
Ancrum(NT6224)1815Christmas and New YearTextHero-Combat[Nb]
Musgrave MS Miss Frances Musgrave (no date) [Title not given]
Surrey Archaeological Society Library No.170/22
[{HelC} XXXI 140]
[Reference not used in the Location Lists]
Musters (1890) Mrs Chaworth Musters (1890) A Cavalier Stronghold, a Romance of the Vale of Belvoir
London, Simpkin Marshall, 1890, pp.387-392
Nottinghamshire, England
Cropwell(SK6836)1890Plough Mon.TextWooing / Hero-Combat[Nb]
Cropwell Butler(SK6837)early 1900sPlough MondayTextWooing / Hero-Combat[Nb]
Myres (1932) M. W. Myres (1932) The Frodsham Soul-Caking Play
Folk-Lore, 1932, Vol.XLIII, pp.97-104
Buckinghamshire, England
Swanbourne(SP8027)19th cty No TextHero-Combat 
Cheshire, England
Frodsham(SJ5177)1912All SoulsTextHero-Combat 
Myres (1938) Miles W. Myres (1938) [Title not given]
Folk-Lore, 1938, Vol.XLIX, pp.298-9
Cheshire, England
Weaverham(SJ6174)1938All SoulsFrag.Hero-Combat 
Lancashire, England
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© 2007-2024, E.C.Cawte, N.Peacock & P.Millington ( Rev. 21-Sep-2024