Bath International Mummers Unconvention 2011 - Photographs

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Tom Brown speaking at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Tom Brown compared mumming with stage theatre, concluding that mummers do the bare minimum to qualify as drama.
Bill Tuck speaking at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Bill Tuck discussed the earliest English pantomimes and their possible relationship with mumming plays.
Mike Pearson speaking at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Mike Pearson examined how the Marshfield Mummers' performance is tailored to their village, and how they cope in other contexts.
Lynn Lunde speaking at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Lynn Lunde talked ably on Mumming in Newfoundland, despite problems with her slides, and showed footage of the custom.
Steve Rowley speaking at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011 Bajan hobby horse at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Steve Rowley talked about the characters in the 'Bajan' (Barbados) Tuk bands.
Fortuitously, a Bajan hobby horse happened to be on hand to illustrate 'Steel Donkey'.
Ron Shuttleworth in the audience at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Ron Shuttleworth in the audience, also staged a lunchtime display of material from the Morris Ring Folk Play Archive.
Graham Clarke speaking at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Graham Clarke wore costume to give his entertaining talk on Guisering today on the Derbyshire/Nottingamshire border.
Peter Harrop speaking at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Peter Harrop stepped in at the last minute to talk eruditely on the Antrobus Soul Cakers.
Gavin Skinner speaking at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Gavin Skinner gave an illustrated talk on the Brunel play that he wrote for Bristol in 2009.
Steve Rowley in conversation with Claudia Chapman of the Hat City Mummers, Danbury, Connecticut, USA at the Symposium of the International Mummers Unconvention, Bath, 2011
Steve Rowley and Claudia Chapman conversed on stage about
the Hat City Mummers, Danbury, Connecticut, USA
See also the symposium's Programme, Abstracts, and Authors' biographies pages.
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