M.W.Barley Collection (1953, P.M.Underwood - a)
Version b |
West Wall Bulcote Notts. 15.3.53
Dear Mr Barley,
I am sorry not to have returned the photographs of the 'Plough Play' before. I had hoped to be able to send you some photos of our own village players, but we were only able to have some taken last Saturday. We promised to repeat the play for the old people of Burton Joyce & Stoke Bardolf who were anxious to see it as many of them remembered it from their childhood. Howeverm there was so much illness in the early part of the year that the Old People's Party was postponed. Come Saturday however about 200 were gathered in Burton Joyce
Village Hall & my Plough Boys appeared on a stage fro the first time in their lives. We could not manage the plough as there was not room but the performance & costumes were very much enjoyed & quite a number of the old poeple found that they remembered lots of the lines of the song. A photographer took quite a number of photos. I believe we are to have the pleasure of a talk by you at our W.I. later in the year. I will bring the photographs along for you to see.
We managed to take the old Mr Holmes of Thurgarton to the party - (who talked to us about the play & helped me considerably) - He did enjoy himself. He watched the men dress & approved their clothes & make-up & the business of the play. We shall certainly keep the Plough Play going in Bulcote. Thank you very much indeed for all the enclosed. THey were all very helpfule.
Yours sincerely
Pyllis M. Underwood |