A.Coleman (1972)

Main Variant


Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser, 21st Jan.1972, Vol.75, No.4065


Sir,- D. H . Lawrence men-
tioned Eastwood guysering, as
anyone familiar with his work will
know; had he recorded the Eastwood
version of the play he would
have rendered invaluable service.

I have a collection of six local
versions of "Plough Bullockers"
or guyser plays, the number of
players varying from three to six.
However, the full play requires
seven actors, but oan be varied.

It appears a number of local
people have submitted contribu-
tions, to whioh I couple my grati-
tude with that of Mr. Millington,
but no-one remembers the full

If Mr. Millington will accept my
invitation, I will prepare a suitable
"Eastwood" version and, with five
more volunteers, we will "tour
the local pubs and olubs" next
Christmas on the understanding
that any proceeds will be donated
to a worthy charity.

Furthermore, I am willing to
write a "special" version for the
Easrwood 1972 festival, which
could be included in my pageant
script. - Yours, etc.,

(local historian),

38 Robey Drive,