In Romsey among other Places this Mummery is kept up, for about
Christmas, & for [blank in original] days after, 6 or 8 Lads, or more,
dress themselves in a Manner in wch the Shirt is ever uppermost
decorated with Ribbons of various Colours tied about their arms waist
& legs. The Christmas Mummers performed by y grown Boys of
Romsey in fancy dresses - act y following Scene
Welcome Welcome old father Christmas
In comes old Father Christmas
Welcome or welcome not
I hope old Father Christmas will never be forgot
Rome Rome I do disdain
For after comes St George & all his noble Train
and in this Room there shall be shown
The finest Battle that ever was known
Between St Geo. & ye Turkish Knight
Enter St. George - who says
In come I Saint George Saint George
That valiant Man of courage bold
all with my Sword and Spear I won 10 Crowns of Gold
I fought the fierce Dragon and brought him to slaughter
and by this means I won the King of Bohemia's Daughter
Enter Turkish Knight
In come I the Turkish Knight
old England for the fight
I will fight St George that valiant Man of courage bold
and if his Blood is hot I'll quickly make it cold.
They fight & St George vanquishes T. Knight.
St George then Says
I am a little Man that talks very bold
much like a Lad that I have been told
Therefore draw out thy Sword & fight, pull out thy Purse & pay -
Satisfaction I will have before I go away
Turkish Knight
Spare Me St Geo: & do not cut Me down
St George
Oh, I'll cut thee down and thou shalt rise no more
Then forfeit thy life to make a Store.
Gentn & Ladies walk out & see what Miracles I've done.
I've cut & slain my Father down all by y Evening Sun.
Oh Doctor Doctor is there an Italian Doctor lately come from Spain.
To heal ye Sick & raise ye dead again.
Oh yes, there is an Italian Doctor lately come from Spain
To heal ye Sick & raise ye dead again.
Doctor appears
Oh Doctor what canst Thou cure
I can cure ye Itch P. Palsy & Gout
and raging Pains that run both in & out
Broken Legs & arms, if any Man shall break his Neck
I will set it again, and have nothing for my Pains
To y Doctor
Oh Doctor what is thy Pay
Ten Guineas is my Fee, but 10 pds I will take of thee
Take it -
Ive got a little Bottle in y Band of my Breeches called
Elecampane - applies it saying Rise, Beau Champion,
& fight again (The T. Knight rises up) & says
The Dragon is my Enemy, to quietly end ye Strife
I'll crop his wings, He shall fly no more,
St George shall end his Life.
Enter Cut & Star
In come I cut & Star - just come from ye bloody War
I & seven more will beat eleven Score.
Marching Men of War, many Battles I have Seen
Many Battles I have been in for St Geo. our King.
Enter Poor & Mean - He Says
In come I poor and Mean, hardly worthy to be seen
Christmas comes but once a Year
When it comes it brings good Cheer
Roast Beef, Plum Pudding & mince Pye
no body loves them better than I
a Mug of yr Christmas Ale will make us dance & sing
& money in our Pockets is a very fine Thing.
Enter Bold Slasher
In come I Bold Slasher, Bold Slasher is my Name
with my Sword & Buckler by my side I hope to win this Game
what Man, what Man comes under my bloody Hand
I cut him and slay Him as small as dust
and send him to ye Cook's Shop to make Pye Crust
Enter Twing Twang
In comes Twing Twang, Lieutenant of ye Press Gang
I press all these bold Mummers & send them aboard
a Man of War - To fight the French & Dutch
& Spaniards also
Enter Jolly Jack
In come I Jolly Jack with my Wife & Children at my Back
when she comes she only Says
Gent. & Ladies give me what You please
Exeunt omnes, saying
I wish You a merry Christmas, & a happy new Year
a pocket full of Money & a Cellar full of Beer.