'Traditional Drama Studies' to be Digitised

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The Traditional Drama Research Group (TDRG) is planning to digitise the journal 'Traditional Drama Studies' and make it available to a wider audience on its website.

Paul Smith is currently asking authors for permission to digitise their papers. If you are one of them, I encourage you to say yes.

'Traditional Drama Studies' was published between 1985 and 1996 through NATCECT at the University of Sheffield. Although only four issues were published, the contributions included some ground-breaking gems. A cumulative list of contents can be found at:

Most of the papers were first presented at the annual Traditional Drama Conferences. It is a pity that lack of resources prevented the publication of more of the papers in 'Traditional Drama Studies', although some appeared in print elsewhere. (see:

I'm pleased to say that the TDRG has already put the full text of its newsletter 'Roomer' online. PDFs for each issue are available from the cumulative contents list. These are scanned images of the pages, so the text is not searchable (except through the magic of Google). However, Christopher Cawte's comprehensive indexes are available at:

Peter Millington

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