Folk Play Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland
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Plough Monday Customs in England
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Electronic ERD - Map of Folk Play Classes
Millington's Textual Classification (2002)
Plays and Locations Listed in E.K.Chambers (1903)
Plays and Locations Listed in E.K.Chambers (1933)
Plays in the J.M.Carpenter Collection [eERD]
Electronic ERD - Map of Best Text Availability
Millington & Jones' Bibliography of Notts. Folk Plays
If you don't believe what/the words I say
Step/Enter/Walk/Come in [someone] and clear the way
Step/Enter/Walk/Come in [someone]
In comes I that's never been before ... at your door
Room, room, ... come give us room to rhyme
The Naming of George in his Introductory speech
George's Introductory Line
George the Valiant Knight
Distribution of Slasher and the Turk
My head is made of iron. My body's made of steel
I am a doctor pure and good ... I can staunch his blood
How came you to be a doctor?, By my travels...
Here Jack, take a little of my nip nap / wiff waff
Jack Vinney/Finney/Pinney
Beelzebub v Father Christmas
Father Christmas in English Folk Plays
Big Head quatrain
Here comes I that never came yet
With my great head and little wit
My head is big, my wits so small
I'll do [something] to please you all
Beelzebub, the jolly old man?
Christmas, New Year & Plough Monday, 2008/2009
Traditional Times of Appearance
Modern Folk Play Times of Appearance
Plough Monday Customs in England
Directory of Modern Performing Groups
Folk Play Actors' Names
Millington's Textual Classification (2002)
Plays and Locations Listed in E.K.Chambers (1903)
Plays and Locations Listed in E.K.Chambers (1933)
Plays in the J.M.Carpenter Collection [eERD]
Millington & Jones' Bibliography of Notts. Folk Plays
Irish Plays Analysed by A.Gailey (2010)
Irish Plays - Best text availability
If you don't believe what/the words I say
Step/Enter/Walk/Come in [someone] and clear the way
Step/Enter/Walk/Come in [someone]
In comes I that's never been before ... at your door
Room, room, ... come give us room to rhyme
The Naming of George in his Introductory speech
George's Introductory Line
George the Valiant Knight
Distribution of Slasher and the Turk
My head is made of iron. My body's made of steel
I am a doctor pure and good ... I can staunch his blood
How came you to be a doctor?, By my travels...
Here Jack, take a little of my nip nap / wiff waff
Jack Vinney/Finney/Pinney
Beelzebub v Father Christmas
Big Head quatrain
Here comes I that never came yet
With my great head and little wit
My head is big, my wits so small
I'll do [something] to please you all
Beelzebub, the jolly old man?
Christmas, New Year & Plough Monday, 2008/2009
Traditional Times of Appearance
Modern Folk Play Times of Appearance
Plough Monday Customs in England
Directory of Modern Performing Groups
Folk Play Actors' Names
Electronic ERD - Map of Folk Play Classes
Millington's Textual Classification (2002)
Plays and Locations Listed in E.K.Chambers (1903)
Plays and Locations Listed in E.K.Chambers (1933)
Plays in the J.M.Carpenter Collection [eERD]
Electronic ERD - Map of Best Text Availability
Millington & Jones' Bibliography of Notts. Folk Plays
If you don't believe what/the words I say
Step/Enter/Walk/Come in [someone] and clear the way
Step/Enter/Walk/Come in [someone]
In comes I that's never been before ... at your door
Room, room, ... come give us room to rhyme
The Naming of George in his Introductory speech
George's Introductory Line
George the Valiant Knight
Distribution of Slasher and the Turk
My head is made of iron. My body's made of steel
I am a doctor pure and good ... I can staunch his blood
How came you to be a doctor?, By my travels...
Here Jack, take a little of my nip nap / wiff waff
Jack Vinney/Finney/Pinney
Beelzebub v Father Christmas
Father Christmas in English Folk Plays
Big Head quatrain
Here comes I that never came yet
With my great head and little wit
My head is big, my wits so small
I'll do [something] to please you all
Beelzebub, the jolly old man?
Christmas, New Year & Plough Monday, 2008/2009
Traditional Times of Appearance
Modern Folk Play Times of Appearance
Plough Monday Customs in England
Directory of Modern Performing Groups
Folk Play Actors' Names
Millington's Textual Classification (2002)
Plays and Locations Listed in E.K.Chambers (1903)
Plays and Locations Listed in E.K.Chambers (1933)
Plays in the J.M.Carpenter Collection [eERD]
Millington & Jones' Bibliography of Notts. Folk Plays
Irish Plays Analysed by A.Gailey (2010)
Irish Plays - Best text availability
If you don't believe what/the words I say
Step/Enter/Walk/Come in [someone] and clear the way
Step/Enter/Walk/Come in [someone]
In comes I that's never been before ... at your door
Room, room, ... come give us room to rhyme
The Naming of George in his Introductory speech
George's Introductory Line
George the Valiant Knight
Distribution of Slasher and the Turk
My head is made of iron. My body's made of steel
I am a doctor pure and good ... I can staunch his blood
How came you to be a doctor?, By my travels...
Here Jack, take a little of my nip nap / wiff waff
Jack Vinney/Finney/Pinney
Beelzebub v Father Christmas
Big Head quatrain
Here comes I that never came yet
With my great head and little wit
My head is big, my wits so small
I'll do [something] to please you all
Beelzebub, the jolly old man?
Christmas, New Year & Plough Monday, 2008/2009
You must select one play from each list.
© 2009-2024, Peter Millington (
). Last updated: 22-Sep-2024