Folk Play Distribution Map: Winter Performances 2008/2009

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Master Home >> Atlas >> Winter Performances 2008/2009 >> Google Map

Click on the markers for information.
Versions of this map: Interactive Google Map Static Google Map Outline Map
Precision of Geographical Coordinates (Google Map only)
green Specific post code    red Generic village/town
  1. Known composite scripts prepared by known authors have been omitted.
  2. Chapbooks, broadsides, and other commercial texts have been omitted.


This map shows the venues of folk play performances during the period Christmas, New Year & Plough Monday, 2008/2009. See the article at for a discussion of this distribution and the season's performances.

Clicking on a marker reveals the relevant placename, the names of the groups performing there, the dates and times of the performances, and the venues. Zoom in to see detailed tours and venues. Zoom out for events in North America and New Zealand.

Peter Millington

This map was generated using data from the Master Mummers Events List.
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© 2009, Peter Millington. (Webmaster: Last updated: 19-Aug-2009