Folk Play Distribution Map: A.Gailey (2010) Appendix

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Key Gailey's Clusters
gray Ards Peninsula
silver,gray Dublin
red,fuchsia Fingal
yellow Glens Of Antrim
teal North And Mid Armagh
olive North Antrim
blue North Cavan And West Fermanagh
green North Donegal
silver North Down
purple North Fermanagh
Key Gailey's Clusters
lime,green North Lecale And Ballynahinch
maroon North-East Londonderry
red Roe Valley
navy South Antrim And North-West Down
aqua South Armagh, South Monaghan And North Louth
lime South Donegal
black South-East Antrim
fuchsia West Tyrone
olive,maroon Wexford
View the key in more detail.
  1. Known composite scripts prepared by known authors have been omitted.
  2. Chapbooks, broadsides, and other commercial texts have been omitted.


This map shows the geographical distribution of the 99 texts analysed in Gailey's papers (2010 & 2011) on Irish folk play texts. Some locations have more than one script.

Gailey divided up the list of plays into 19 geographical clusters, based on the similarity of their texts. These markers for the locations are colour-coded accordingly.


Alan Gailey (2010) Irish Mummers' Play Texts: Their Content and Development - Part 1,
Ulster Folklife, 2010, Vol.53, pp.1-56.

Alan Gailey (2011) Irish Mummers' Play Texts: Their content and Development - Part 2
Ulster Folklore, 2011, Vol.55, pp.1-26

Peter Millington (2010) New Explorations in Irish Folk Drama, 2010, Vol.55, pp.1-26

This map was generated using the Master Mummers Outline Distribution Mapper.
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© 2010, Peter Millington. (Webmaster: Last updated: 01-Feb-2010