S.Piggott (1929)


Stuart Piggott (Auth.)
*Collectanea. Mummers' Plays from Berkshire, Derbyshire, Cumberland, and Isle of Man: 5. "Guisers" play on Xmas Eve, Repton, Derbyshire, Jan., 1909
Folk-Lore, 1929, Vol.40, No.3, pp.270-272

*Full text (67 lines) of an Xmas Eve Guisers' play from Repton, Derbys. The characters are: an introducer, Boldgier, King George, Doctor, and Misses Beelzebub.

The date of this item is unclear. The date in the heading - Jan.1909 - is not compatible with Christmas Eve, so cannot be a performance date. It could be a date of collection. The play was written down by a performer for Mrs.Furneaux. A Mr.H.A.Auden is quoted about performances "40 years ago". This seems to be separate testimony from the script, and as it is unclear when it was written, it may refer to 1869 or 1889.

Index Terms:

Locations: Repton, Derbys. (SK3026)
Years: Perf. 1869 or 1889; Col. 1909; Publ. 1929
Subjects: Full Text; Xmas Eve; Guisers; Plays; Introducer; Boldgier; King George; Doctor; Misses Beelzebub; Christmas Eve
People: Mrs. Furneaux (Col.); Mr. H. A. Auden (Inf.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00773

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Mar 2005 by Peter Millington.