R.A.Harris Collection (1966, C.Husbands)


Mr. C. Husbands (Inf.)
[Customs and songs of Carrington, Notts., including Plough Monday]
R.A.Harris Collection, Letters dated 18th Oct.1966, 14th Nov.1966 & [1967]

Responses to an appeal in Notts Countryside. They contain fragmentary words to several songs sung while Football touring in West Norfolk, especially at Hunstanton. In addition, he briefly describes an instance of "Tin Paning" and the custom of Plough Monday at Carrington, Notts. The description of Plough Monday reads;

"Plough Monday was in evidence when I was a child. Carrington was the extent of Nottm then up the Hucknall Rd, and our street the last. The farm lads (and others) when I was a child blackened their hands & faces, & went around singing something about luck, expecting a copper or two in return. It died out in the early 1890s."

Index Terms:

Locations: West Norfolk, Norfolk; Hunstanton, Norfolk (TF6741); Carrington, Notts. (SK5642)
Years: Col. 1966 and 1967; Ceased early 1890s
Subjects: Text Fragments; Football Songs; Tin Paning; Plough Monday
People: Roy A. Harris (Col.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00561

Last Updated Mar 2005 by Peter Millington.