W.M.Comber et al (1961) p.16


[Anon.] (Auth.)
*ANTROBUS [Souling Play]
W.M.Comber et al (1961), p.16,photo.

A chapter on the local history of Antrobus, Ches. It states;

"Mr. Arnold Boyd (1885-1959) wrote articles and books about bird life in Cheshire and about its folklore. He helped to revive the Soul-Caking Play for which Antrobus is famed. It has much in common with old Mummers' Plays and is performed round about All Souls Day inside houses that are visited in turn by the 'Gang'. Nowadays the 'Gang' travel by car but the horse's head they use is well over one hundred years old. In a fight between King George and the Black Prince the latter is slain. Mr.Boyd describes the play as of great antiquity with restoration to life of a dead man and appearance of a man in woman's clothes as salient points."

A photograph showing King George and the Black Prince crossing swords is reprinted from the "Farmer's Weekly", 22nd Dec.1950.

Index Terms:

Locations: Antrobus, Ches. (SJ6479)
Years: Publ. 1950; Publ. 1961
Subjects: Photo; Play; All Souls Day; Soul Caking; Souling; King George; Black Prince; Horse's Head; Farmer's Weekly (1950)
People: Mr. Arnold Boyd (Auth.); Farmer's Weekly (Photo.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00276

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Mar 1983 by Duncan Broomhead.