Nottingham Evening Post (1974a)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
ON THE SQUARE: ANTICS TO BEAT THE GLOOM [Plough Monday Play at Gotham, Notts.]
Nottingham Evening Post, 7th Jan.1974, No.29730, p.6 b-f

Photo and description of the revival of a Plough Monday play at Gotham, Notts., by the EMMA Theatre Company. The play entitled "And Make Thy Buttons Fly" was based on traditional Plough or Wooing plays. "It is set in Gotham in 1206, in the winter season of ghosts and devils and shows how the isolated village prepares for its annual mummeries."

Index Terms:

Locations: Gotham, Notts. (SK5330)
Years: Rev. 1974
Subjects: Play; Plough Monday; EMMA Theatre Company; "And Make Thy Buttons Fly"; Revival; Photo
People: Alison Skilbeck (Perf.); Andrew Hanley (Perf.); Simon Coady (Perf.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00109;
T.Bailey Forman Library, "Plough Monday" file

Last Updated Mar 1990 by Idwal Jones.