"J.Granby" (1940)


"John Granby" (Auth.)
STAGE PLAYS IN NOTTS CHURCHES: Old Time Feature of All Great Religious Festivals: Various Former "Cycles"
Nottinghamshire Guardian, 12th Oct.1940, No.4978, p.1 a-b

A brief account of the pre-Reformation practice of performing mystery, miracle and similar plays in churches. Brief mention is made of "an old Retford mystery play" published in the Nottinghamshire Guardian (3rd Jan.1914) [not examined by PTM, but probably a reprint of E.Sutton (1912)].

Index Terms:

Locations: Retford, Notts. (SK7080)
Years: Publ. 1940
Subjects: Plays; Mystery Plays; Nottinghamshire Guardian (1914a)
People: William Elliott Doubleday (Auth.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00045

Last Updated Nov 1987 by Idwal Jones.