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Another Plough Monday Play from Clayworth, Notts. - 1913-1916
Plough Jacks' Play from Willoughton - 1889

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Vertical axis: Line Nos. for: Plough Jacks' Play from Willoughton - 1889
Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: Another Plough Monday Play from Clayworth, Notts. - 1913-1916

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Vertical axis: Line Nos. for: Plough Jacks' Play from Willoughton - 1889
Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: Another Plough Monday Play from Clayworth, Notts. - 1913-1916

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Line Another Plough Monday Play from Clayworth, Notts. - 1913-1916 Plough Jacks' Play from Willoughton - 1889
1. in comes i that s never been before  
2. with actors standing at the door i have several more lads outside
3. some can dance and some can sing some can dance and some can sing
4. if you consent i will walk in by your consent they shall come in
5. in comes i that s never been yit  
6. with my big head and little wit  
7. my head s so great and my wit s so small  
8. i can act the fool as well as you all  
9. in comes i king george a champion stout and bold in comes i sir george the champion bold
10. i fought the fiery dragon with my bright sword and brought it to a slaughter i fought the fierce dragon and brought him to his slaughter
11. by these deeds i won the king of egypt s daughter and by these means i won the king of egypt s only daughter you won the king of egypt s only daughter his only daughter
12. in comes i beelzebub in comes i old beelzebub
13. on my shoulder i carry a club and on my back i carry my club
14. in my hands a wetleather frying pan in my hand a frying pan
15. don t you think i m a nice old man don t you think i m a jolly old man
16. five pounds for a doctor  
17. ten pounds to stop away  
18. in comes i a doctor in comes i the doctor
19. you a doctor you a doctor
20. yes me a doctor yes i m a doctor
21. what can you cure what can you cure
22. the ipsy the pipsy the palsy and the gout the hipsy pipsy palsy and the gout
23. pains within and pains without aches within and pains without
24. the deaf the dumb the blind the lame  
25. and bring the dead to life again  
26. just try your skill on this man doctor try your skill
27. there he s dead enough you re only in a trance not dead but in a trance
28. rise up and take a dance so jump up my merry old lad and let s have a dance
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